Sunday, 5 September 2010

In the garden

This is the 2nd lot of peas we have harvested this summer and they are delicious...
Joe's apple tree we have 2 small apple trees planted in large pots when the Boy's were 3 years old and 8 years later Joe's tree has finally bore some fruit 9 apples in fact, almost ready to harvest....

Plums on our plum tree, planted 2 years ago ,we had 3 plums last year that wilted and died before picking, this year we have lots and lots, and they are so sweet and delicious already had fruit crumble with our own plums, pears from the pear tree and blackberries....

Pears ,plums,and peas all very nice added to the potatoes , strawberries and carrots and the wonderful selection of herbs including rosemary, bay leaf, thyme, and mint, we have had a great harvest this summer, and we still have blueberries and courgettes to look forward to in the coming weeks.........x

HURTS - Wonderful Life