Saturday 31 July 2010

Garden Life

My Son Ollie has taken it upon himself to look after a snail in the garden he has named him Mr Hudson, I don't know where the name came from he says it was just 'random' but he took a lot of time to create a home for him in a plantpot he looked up information in a nature book and checks on him every day , if he can't find him he is usually in the Flowers eating the leaves...x

Sunday 25 July 2010

Wall Murals

A couple more wall murals the top one based on Graffiti, the lower one based on Japanese Manga. Graffiti ( according to Wikipedia) is the name for images or lettering, scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner on property. Graffiti is any type of public markings that may appear in the forms of simple written words to elaborate wall paintings. Graffiti has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to Ancient Greece and the roman empire. In modern times spray paint, normal paint and markers have become the most common used materials.
In this case Acrylic paint was used, and my son uses spray cans for spraying designs on board in the garden.
In the case of Japanese Manga (again according to Wikipedia) consists of comic and print cartoons and conforming to the style developed in Japan in the late 19th century. In their modern form, manga date from shortly after world war 2, but they have a long complex history in earlier japanese art.
My son wanted this mural after seeing a Japanese Manga exhibition 'How Manga took over the World' in 2008 at Urbis gallery in Manchester......x

Saturday 24 July 2010


A few of the scarecrows in Mellor, they held a competition in conjunction with the Mellor School Summer Fair and all the residents surrounding and leading up to the school had a scarecrow in their garden they looked amazing some very inventive ideas...x

Party Invitations

Here is one of my favorite party invitations I have made for a Pirate Party. I placed sand and seashells inside the bottle and rolled up the invite and tied it and placed it inside, they were very effective. I even made 2 Pirate ships for the party The Black Pearl and The Interceptor, the children were split into 2 teams and fired rolled up black paper cannon balls at each other....x

Children's Personalised Canvas

More of my Childrens Canvas most of these have been created for family and friends for Birthday, Christmas and Christening gifts it's nice to see them up on their walls, a little piece of art....x

Wall Murals

Here is a is a collection of images I created for my boys bedroom walls, based on the old Match and Shoot comic strips took about 10 hours to do was lots of fun.......x

Children's Personalised Canvas

My background in Textile Design has taken many different routes in my life this is one of them: my Personalised Childrens Canvas they are very popular for Birthdays, Christmas and Christenings I enjoy doing them they are all different and personal to the child their favourite colours and objects lots of fun to do ....x

Sunday 4 July 2010

More Wonderful Paris

More pictures from Paris, the picture at the top taken at Le Jardin d'Acclimation, then a picture taken in the d'Orsay where 1 of my 2 favourite paintings of all time is a self portrait from 1889 pale blue with wonderful red beard, and at the bottom inside a tube station with fantastic tiles ......x
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Wonderful Paris

Photos taken in Paris a couple of years ago. We went to an amazing park Le jardin d'Acclimation at Bois de Boulogne we spent the whole day there fantastic fairground rides for the children and adults, the views of Paris were taken from the Eiffel Tower, and the Underground stations were amazing with beautiful tiles and posters, a very beautiful and artistic city where one day my husband hoopes to live.....x
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'The House Opposite' displayed

Joe's pic looks great on the wall in the middle of Andy's photos...x

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Saturday 3 July 2010

'The House Opposite' - By Joe Moseley

My son Joseph's latest piece of art... I am so glad he loves painting (like myself) , he has not gone 1 day without getting out his paints and brushes. There are many artists that inspire him, and our collection of art books are always being thumbed through by Joe, although this painting 'The house opposite' was his own creation and in his own style...x
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